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Rusty Brick Wall

Group Supervision

weight-inclusive diabetes care


Join us for a virtual supervision group focused specifically on weight-inclusive diabetes care.


This small group clinical supervision offers a structured and supportive environment for dietitians, therapists and other clinicians to collaborate and gain insights into challenging cases.


Facilitated by Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES, eating disorder dietitian and diabetes specialist, this group is focused specifically on supporting your clients & patients with diabetes with past or present eating disorders or disordered eating.

Upcoming Supervision Group: 

Summer 2024 is full,

sign up below to be the first to know when the next is scheduled!

To be the first to find out when registration opens, make sure you're signed up for the email list.

What You'll Experience:

  • Gain practical skills, knowledge, & awareness for providing evidenced-based interventions for all types of diabetes.

  • Learn inclusive, affirming, fat-positive approaches to managing diabetes for clients with past or present eating disorders.

  • Share with, get support, and learn from other providers who are also doing this work of weight-inclusive diabetes and eating disorder care.

Typing on a Computer

What Our Focus Will Be:

This group is inclusive of all types of diabetes.


Here are some examples of the types of cases you might bring to the group:

  • Here are some examples of the types of cases you might bring:

  • Type 2 diabetes management from a HAES, weight-inclusive perspective

  • Diabulimia (restricting insulin)

  • Type 1 diabetes and other eating disorder or disordered eating

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults)


What I have less experience with, but you are still welcome to bring to the group:

  • Gestational Diabetes

  • MODY (Maturity-onset diabetes in the young)

Here are some examples of what you might bring to the group:

  • Medications, side effects and how to discuss them with your client

  • Where to start when your ED client is diagnosed with diabetes

  • What to know about insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors

  • Insulin management and education

  • Case studies on co-occurring diabetes and eating disorder​

Group Details

  • 6 sessions total, 60 minutes each

  • Meet every other week

  • Cost: $300 ($50/session)

  • Group size: max 6 attendees

  • Sessions conducted on Google Meet and will be recorded to view later


*Payment plans available upon request

*Sliding scale available for our fat, BIPoC, & LGBGTQ+ colleagues

email for more info.

About Erin

I am a Registered Dietitian (RD) whose work is grounded in Health at Every Size® and fat-positive nutrition. I have an advanced certification as a diabetes specialist (CDCES) and have spent most of my career working with people living with all types of diabetes. My solo private practice in Seattle, Washington focuses on supporting people living with diabetes in both 1-on-1 and group settings.


While I LOVE geeking out over diabetes technology and blood sugar trends, I also use therapeutic techniques like parts work and motivational interviewing to guide my clients toward self-compassion and embodiment. I both of these equally helpful in making peace with food and diabetes.

Upcoming Supervision Group: 

Summer 2024 is full,

sign up below to be the first to know when the next is scheduled!

To be the first to find out when registration opens, make sure you're signed up for the email list.

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